A place where you can buy ANYTHING...

19:02 mareku 0 Comments

Whether it is art, animals, fake brand fashion, food, girls or boys. What ever you want to buy: In Bangkok you can. Every quality against every price.

In a Bangkok Shopping Mall

04:11 mareku 0 Comments

After an afternoon walking around in the town we entered a moder Mall. Here we found ourselves in the mid of a concert of the most popular (boys) band of Thailand: Golf + Mike. Girls went crazy: but they stayed very polite (didn't came close to the stage and stayed seated).
For 8 euro you could buy new shoes, which every woman seemed to do...
The cinemaplex is of a very high quality: top screens and music quality. The thai subtitles don't bother you because they absolutely make no sense what so ever. Before the film (National Treasure II) started, we had to stand up and see and listen to a tribute to the King. The film isn't that bad by the way. The promotions for feature films is huge here in the mall and it consist  of booths, flat screens and film props (like the presidents book from NT II)
We ended with a real Fondue bourginionne on top of the mall and watching the fireworks.

A day in Bangkok

18:51 mareku 0 Comments

Bangkok is a sizzling city. It is hot, huge and their are millions of people (all going somewhere). But there are places of tranquility  (temples and expensive brand- shops). We fund Cow, a tuk-tuk driver to drive us around trough the city. The traffic isn't that chaotic as you would expect: no honking at all. Everyone is very courteous.

having fun in the mountains

04:00 mareku 0 Comments

Our last morning in Chiang Mai we spend by riding our motor bikes in the mountains. After that we flew in just 1 hour back to Bangkok.

Nu Jazz - Koop

19:34 mareku 0 Comments

Thanks to my friends at alltunes.com I downloaded the latest album of Koop: Koop islands. It is one of their best. I especially like the track: I see a different you with vocals from Yukimi Nagano who also sings Come to Me. It is a girlish innocent voice. Check it out in my audio corner here on VOX.


19:25 mareku 0 Comments

Meet my new buddy Bhumibol. First I wanted to name him Mohamed, but that is not a proper name for a bear lately...


01:21 mareku 0 Comments

A day at the Zoo

20:23 mareku 0 Comments

The Chiang Mai zoo is amazing. It is a very large mountain based zoo with a modern set up and can easily rival some other great zoos I have been to (e.g. San Diego or Animal World). They have Giant Panda's which you can see really up close (and hey: they really move as well). Lot's of animals you can feed - which we did with the Giraffes and the Hippos. It was almost 35 degrees, but the trees kept us in the shade.

Biking in Chiang Mai

20:17 mareku 0 Comments

Chiang Mai is the perfect city to ride a scooter. The roads are almost exclusively one way and the city lay out is very straight forward. The yamaha mio is a light but powerful scooter. To bad for the  fluorescent color scheme...

Christopher Bram

03:40 mareku 0 Comments

Exils in americaChristopher bram
I am a happy trooper with my iLiad ebook reader. After finishing  A Thousand Splendid Suns

by Khaled Hosseini, I now am reading the latest novel of Chritopher Bram: Exiles in America.
Still hundreds of books to go in my iLiad :-))

To the top of Thailand

01:27 mareku 0 Comments

We went to the highest mountain top in Thailand and saw a tribal village on the way. As everywhere here in the North of Thailand there were little markets with local produce. This country is really obsessed with food (luckily for us). The food in markets is carefully displayed, always super fresh and they have a broad assortment. I am very happy that they sell Coca Cola Light and Coke Zero almost everywhere (something that is non existing in Italy or Greece e.g.)
In a monument for the King we saw that he really likes Volkswagen cars.

typical food somewhere along the road

01:20 mareku 0 Comments

chicken cashnewfruitsChicken lemon grass
You can eat fine thai food everywhere for almost nothing. In the national park we had lunch for 1 euro per person...

A near kruitvat experience

02:30 mareku 0 Comments

Deep in the jungle on the river we did some rafting. Very quiet, very easy, very safe. We went of in time :-)

Toni Boltini move aside: Marque and Eddie are joining the Circus!

02:27 mareku 0 Comments

We spent this morning riding Elephants. Thailand used to have ten thousands of Elephants working in the forests (timber industry). Now that is over a few are left and you can visit them and ride them in Elephant Parks. They were very friendly animals and as far as we could see, treated well. We gave them lots of sugar cane and bananas and they did not complain. On our way back we used an ox car which was fine for the open road, but wouldn't helped us deep in the jungle.