Maybe cannibals were right...

15:02 mareku 0 Comments

Cannot wait for summer to return...

16:24 mareku 0 Comments

iPhone gun

14:18 mareku 0 Comments

Instead of boring photo's you can also shoot people with your iPhone... :-) The Xappr!

Apple TV - just as I like it

17:19 mareku 0 Comments

Thanks to seasonpass (jailbreak) and FireCore aTV Flash (software) I now have a super working Apple TV - playing everything I want from my Mac or NAS :-)

The day I started trying Zemanta

11:31 mareku 0 Comments

Zemanta is a browser plug in that promises to give you extra content and inspiration while writing your blog post. It only does that after 140 characters, that's why I am writing this entry...  So this is what Zemanta came up with:
Enhanced by Zemanta
zemanta c´t magazine page
zemanta c´t magazine page (Photo credit: start.upICT)