14:36 mareku 0 Comments


14:34 mareku 0 Comments

The Boralis shoot

11:36 mareku 0 Comments

Marijn and I were in a new photoshoot for our Boralis website at the "magere brug" in Amsterdam by Reinier Gerritsen. Cannot wait to see the end result.

Just a normal day at the gym...

11:33 mareku 0 Comments

Dumbbell Push-up Rows 3 sets, 12 reps, 4 kilo's - and this is just a warm-up exercise...

My early days as an entrepreneur

11:43 mareku 0 Comments

Last Friday I told the participants at Rockstart about my early steps as entrepreneur - I was finished in a couple of minutes ;-) The guys don't look very interested on this picture do they? Well I don't blame them.

The day I started my own 3G provider with Vodafone Signal Plus

16:09 mareku 0 Comments

Now that I am (after three months of waiting...) with Vodafone I can make use of their Signal Plus device. I will let you know what the difference in speed and connectivity actually is later on.

Bent2013 - impressive play back on stage

16:02 mareku 0 Comments

Today I saw Kevin Hassing and Michiel Bakker in Bent, the impressive play about the persecution of homosexuals during the Holocaust of Martin Sherman (written in 1979)in direction of Gerardjan Rijnders. A very oppressive atmosphere, lots of frighting silent moments and very, very moving. Excellent performance so make sure you see it if you have the chance.