The amazing Olympus PEN E-P1

13:55 mareku 0 Comments

I bought the Micro Four Third Olympus P-E1 to get rid of the weight and dimensions of a SLR while keeping the quality and versatility. First impressions: wow! great image quality and very well build.

Another scorching hot day

07:49 mareku 0 Comments

I like your... watch!

13:56 mareku 0 Comments

Nice photoshoot in the april issue of Interview.


13:55 mareku 0 Comments

Seaman August Provost killed in action - by (un)friendly fire

14:36 mareku 0 Comments

August Provost was killed while he was standing guard  Camp Pendleton. Any evidence was destroyed  by setting fire on his assigned place of duty. August was being harassed because of his sexual orientation and because he was African-American. This comes at a time when the stupid DTDA. The Navy says is killing was "just a random act" - what kind of organization is this?

Irene Huss - den kvinnliga Walander

15:02 mareku 0 Comments

Irene Huss är kriminalinspektör pÃ¥ vÃ¥ldsroteln i Göteborg. Hon är skapad av författarinnan Helene Tursten som hittills har skrivit 7 böcker om Irene Huss. De 6 första böckerna har nu filmatiserats och släpps under 2008 pÃ¥ dvd. Irene som tidigare varit europamästare i Ju-jutsu. 38 Ã¥r gammal är hon mitt uppe i karriären som kriminalinspektör, men hanterar samtidigt ett hemmaliv med make och tvÃ¥ tonÃ¥rsdöttrar och hennes man Krister Huss (spelar pÃ¥ Reugen Sallmander - vi känner han frÃ¥n den film  Flickan som lekte med elden frÃ¥n Stieg Larsson var han spelade Enrico Giannini)

Get him to the Greek

15:41 mareku 0 Comments

I saw the hilarious Get Him to the Greek, a spin-off of the also very funny 2008 film Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Both feature Russell Brand as Aldous Snow an expired rock star. Jonah Hill is casted perfectly as the overweight, nervous and ambitious music producer Aaron. The film is a road movie where Aaron must get Aldous to LA for a live concert.  Aaron even end up in bed with his girlfriend and Aldous during a threesome ;-)
Also mentionable is Sean Combs as an over-the-top music exec.