Sundays' best: top ten twitter tips

23:15 mareku 0 Comments

Now that you definitely cannot do without twitter. What are the best things to do with it?
1. First you have to start Twittering and open an account
2. Start following tweets via Twitterfall and see the hot twitter topics
3. Install Twitbin as Firefox addon or/and Tweetdeck as stand alone application
4. Keep your followers in the loop with feeds from your latest runs via Runkeeper
5. and your love tracks from or blog posts via twitterfeed.
6. Share your pix via twitpic
7. See what's happening around the world at twittervision
8. because you only have 140 characters, you need to shorten large links via tinyURL - use this toolbar button.
9. share interesting webpage through shareaholic.
10. Install twitterrific or truphone on your iphone.
And follow me...

At the Motorbike exihibition

07:23 mareku 0 Comments

Also available in HD at youtube (make sure your settings are HD)

How we decide

05:49 mareku 0 Comments

Jonah Lehrer (from Proust was a neuroscientist) wrote a new book: "How we decide". Scary enough it starts with a sequence about the decisions a pilot must make just after motor failure - what a coincidence  after the latest Schiphol crash. It's a very well written book and fun to read.

Marijn with iPhone # 3...

02:52 mareku 0 Comments

I completely destroyed Marijns' all new iPhone yesterday morning when I tried to place the SIM card the wrong way. She only had it for a half hour after her first iphone broke down earlier this month. Nothing could be done to save her iPhone - so we had to go to the store and get her a new (third) one... She wasn't all that happy at first but after she got her new baby things were Ok again ;-))

twitter did it again...

03:34 mareku 0 Comments

After the horrible Gmail meltdown this week - today with the airplane crash on Schiphol Twitter was again the medium of choice. here you could get the latest updates from witnesses on the scene.
I now have my blog posts, favorites, zomoto blog posts, twitpics etc. automated - so my tweets are almost all automaticly generated...

With the compliments of Google adsense display

02:54 mareku 0 Comments

During the first news posts on I found this display ad of Google adsense for a stewardess training course... Sweet...

New Toy

02:21 mareku 0 Comments

For a mere € 200 I found this sturdy (auminium case) HP netbook. It had SUSE linux installed, but after a half hour or so I switched to Windows (XP). It's great for those surfing cravings on the road.


02:46 mareku 0 Comments

We finished our Soccer League book...

Justin Lance Black Oscar acceptance speech

23:32 mareku 0 Comments

The award for