Three new books for this weekend

09:39 mareku 0 Comments

My iLiad got some new fuel in the form of three brand new novels:
Memoirs of a beautiful boy by Robert Leleux
Need I say that, at Beckendorf Junior High, I was the object of mass
violence?” he asks of the era when he went to school sporting pastel
pants and streaked hair, spritzing himself with mineral water. In those
days, he says, he regarded himself as “special, in some way involving
flair and class and heat sensitivity,” without connecting the dots to
realize he was gay...
The bill from my father by Bernard Cooper. A raw memoir where the father really does send the author a bill for his paternal services in the amount of $2 million...
The geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner. The operating conceit of this odyssey memoir is that the author, a professed grouch (“My last name is pronounced ‘whiner,’ and I do my best to live up to the name”), will travel to the world’s happier places to explore to what degree an individual’s happiness is intertwined with a shared geography and culture...

China gays

09:26 mareku 0 Comments

A "shocking" picture in the officially censored China Daily a couple of days ago: two kissing gays on the front page. Seems that the good old Olympic Games are helping human rights after all... Or are the Chinese confused and thinking that we are coming to play the Gay Games this summer in Being... :-)
Anyway it is nice to see that what until now only possible in Taiwan now is crossing over to the mainland.

An elegant evening with Steven

08:21 mareku 0 Comments

We were invited as Zomoto to have a house warming dinner at Steven's new swell place in Amsterdam. It turned out that Steven is a great Chef and we had a gourmet Italian dinner and a excellent time.


08:27 mareku 0 Comments

Seth brought out a new book and lucky us: it is a novel. About Broadway naturally and probably we will get lots of insight info about the (musical) theatre  biz... It is called Broadway Nights: A Romp of Life, Love, & Musical Theatre. You can hear the first chapter on his (hilarious) blog.

“Are you now or have you ever been. ...”

09:36 mareku 0 Comments

A novel from Thomas Mallon about the Mad McCarthy years and the struggle of two gay guys to survive. I just strated reading it (on the iLiad of course) and like it right away.


01:11 mareku 0 Comments

And I thought he was still playing soccer...