Pelle Svanslös

14:47 mareku 0 Comments

Därför jag ska åka till Uppsala i 4 veckor (på att plugga svenska) jag tänkte att det var en mycket bra idé att läsa böcker från Gösta Knutsson. Hans Figurerna i böckerna är katter (huvudpersonen är Pelle Svanlös) men har levande förebilder bland verkliga personer i dåtidens Uppsala. Böckerna avsågs vara en protest mot det alltmer öppna stödet för nationalsocialismen i Sverige... Jag hoppas jag lär mig en liten som Uppsala också.

New Kids Turbo

14:46 mareku 0 Comments

I wasn't planning to watch this movie, but happened to stumble upon it, and I must admit: It was more fun then I thought it would be. I liked Rikkert (Wesley van Gaalen) most. His relationship with his Opel Manta is classic :-)

We are all living in the past - realtime

13:40 mareku 0 Comments

Interesting story in the New Yorker: What is the relation between the reality, our senses and our brain?
Don't our senses need time to digest what they see, hear, feel? Next there is some transportation time needed to our brain and finally our brain has to put all that stuff together and make some (real) sense out of it. To make things more interesting - different senses have different legacy times and you also have to deal with the difference in the speed of light vs. sound e.g.
So how do we have a sync feeling about things that happen around us? Isn't it so that we have to wait for the last feed to come in? And so: are we actually living in a world that is already microseconds away....

Wow! Maybe even some people have a different legacy time and are living in a different time all together - that explains a lot considering some people ;-))

The story of Bill Sanders - a gay frog as an iPad app

15:30 mareku 0 Comments

Author Connie van Gils  and illustrator Roel Seidell wrote this story about a gay frog whom liked to watch the boys from the water ballet more then girls :-)
Now a free download in the iTunes store for iphone/ipad in 5 languages - sweet!


13:36 mareku 0 Comments

Take a standard animation story with your usual team of (voice) characters put a 3 D glazing on top and voila: a recipe for disaster. But wait a minute: RIO 3D is very likable, maybe it is the setting in RIO (it all is very accurate) and the music of Sergio Mendes - but this is great Sunday afternoon entertainment.  Actually I liked it so much that maybe I have to start playing angry birds RIO on the iPad as well.

Pirates IV: On Stranger Tides - can it get any stranger?

11:40 mareku 0 Comments

I watched POTC IV in IMAX 3D, but it didn't help: it's again way to long with confusing action scenes and no story. Luckily Sam Claflin (did he work out?) is in it though - so we have something to like :-))

New books for this weekend part III: De Maagd Marino

11:34 mareku 0 Comments

Yves Petry won the prestigious Libris literature prize 2011 with his novel "De Maagd Marino" about a guy who eats an other guy - with his consent... oops. Very loosely based on a real story it promises to be a great story. I bought the book, but somehow I don't seem able to start reading... yet.