Käre Steve Jobs, godkänn SVT Play-appen!

En fantastiskt kul idé som liksom bara bad om att bli viral.
SVT ha gjort Iphone appen på spela teve programer men apple ha inte godkännet det. Darför att SVT ha gjort webplatsen (www.dearstevejobs.com) på svenskar kallelser av Steve Jobs en app snabb tillåtter i iTunes.
Jag hoppas det är framgångsrik!

A miracle has arrived: her name is Linne...

17:11 mareku 0 Comments

The daughter of Marijn & Merel was born December 30. We visited her today and see looks very pretty.
Because I already decided on naming the baby Floris, what ever gender, I am afraid she has to live with two names... :-)

PS: Here you see the extremely skillful & professional hands of Merel feeding Floris Linne.

Avatar - terrible story, stunning picture

15:17 mareku 1 Comments

I saw Avatar in IMAX 3D and was blown away by the visual bonanza. This is truly a total different level in Computer Generates Animation. If only the story was any good... The music is Titanic revisited and the logic very far fetched. I like the art direction though and the computer displays in the movie ar awesome (something like an iSlate perhaps?). So go and watch this movie but forget what you are watching.

David Sedaris: Live for your listing pleasure.

14:54 mareku 0 Comments

Now that I have booked a ticket for David Sedaris performance in London next March (hurry - it is almost sold out already!) I looked around for any material of David I don't own yet. On my quest I found this most peculiar item: his latest audiobook “Live for Your Listening Pleasure,” which features readings before audiences, available on the least portable of formats: vinyl.
Reminiscent of Blue Note albums from the 1950s and 1960s, the cover features a photograph of a woman sprawled on a white shag rug with a come-hither look, albums strewn about.
Maja Thomas, senior vice president for digital and audio publishing at the Hachette Book Group, says she was drawn to the idea precisely because it was quirky. Mr. Sedaris’s “audience is very attuned to irony and is going to find this funny,”
Luckily you can also download the audiobook as a torrent :-)
(which is what I ended up with...)

Budfits - now I can run with my iPod earbuds

16:55 mareku 0 Comments

I don't know about you but I always have trouble keeping the iPod earbuds in my ear. Can you imagine what happens if I start running with them. Budfits ($8.99 including free -international- shipping) was my answer: it's so simple and so effective!

Hi there! :-)

19:27 mareku 0 Comments

If you wanna new jeans - give me a call...

Finally: The first South American - gay marriage...

10:58 mareku 0 Comments

Actually they should have been married on December 1 - see my earlier post - but today it finally happened: in Ushuaia. Alejandro Freyre (39, left) and José Maria Di Bello (41, right) got married. Their first attempt was blocked at the last moment by the city. The Governor of Tierra del Fuego, Fabiane Rios, gave permission and conducted the marriage herself.

Bryan Boy - the Anna Wintour of the 21st Century?

10:19 mareku 0 Comments

As a relatively new phenomenon in the crowded arena of journalists whose specialty it is to report the news of the catwalks, fashion bloggers have ascended from the nosebleed seats to the front row with such alacrity that a long-held social code among editors, one that prizes position and experience above outward displays of ambition or enjoyment, has practically been obliterated. After all, what is one to think when Bryan Boy, a  style-obsessed blogger from the Philippines, is seated at the D & G show in Milan  a mere two positions to the right of Anna Wintour?
Bryan is amazing in traveling around the world to pursuit his dream - a prime example what passion and the internet can bring you!

It's complicated - or isn't it?

09:56 mareku 0 Comments

Nancy Meyers films are always a treat. And when you have a cast of Meryl Streep, Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin things must go right. And they do in this funny romantic flick. I couldn;t help noticing that Meryl has a very cute son in this movie: Hunter Parrish. The scene when he is (almost) crying was a little bit to much me ;-)