My favorite book: The Temple by Stephen Spender

08:37 mareku 0 Comments

It's really really hard to choose just ONE book as your all time favorite, but that was the question for me in this week Financieel Dagblad Weekend. (which has a very nice -free- iPad app). It is a sort of question like: If you go to an uninhibited island and you would only be allowed 1 book - which one would you take? Which is in this age of Kindle and iPad a bit of silly...
But of the thousands of books I have - I had to choose one. Maybe I decided on The Temple because of the cover picture by Herbert List? LOL :-)

Mycket bra frimarken webbsida

19:25 mareku 0 Comments

Det är en nya holländska frimarken webbsida: postzegelsontwerpen. Här kan man tittar på allt holländska frimarken från första (av 1851) till nyaste. Webbsidan är mycket användarvänlig: varje frimarken kan man förstora och också ser man original designer. Jag tycker om frimarken och har en lite insamling so det här är mycket intressant för mig.

Stop the snow

13:19 mareku 0 Comments

(from THE DAILY)

I don't Dig it anymore...

15:37 mareku 0 Comments

What ever happened with Digg? I just to be a huge fan - spending hours and hours dugging stories - but now I haven't been there for months... Is it the new website last March or is it the fact that reeder - read it later and the iPad just catched up with the whole Digg concept? Fact is that digg = dead. Kevin Rose probably should have  sold it back in 2007 for a cool $300 million...

DropBox with a microphone: DropVox!

15:03 mareku 0 Comments

Sure I use the dictafon app on my iphone - the problem is (was) that you have to use your phone to listen to the reminders you leave yourself. Not anymore: with Dropvox your messages are uploaded to your dropbox and so you can listen to them from any device (including the iPad e.g.)

Curriculum Vitea - Blue Shots TV

16:19 mareku 0 Comments

A nice conversation with Joris about... uh... me (in Dutch)

The Green Hornet? nope make that a Green Fly

14:26 mareku 0 Comments

Poor Christoph Waltz: playing a Nazi in Inglorious Basterds gained him an Oscar - but now he is waisting his talents in The Green Hornet. This movie is one of the worst of the 21st century.
The story is not excisting nor funny, the Greenhornet himself (played by writer Seth Rogen) ridiculous, there is a lot of shouting and the fights impossible to follow. The movie is shot in 2D and then converted to 3D - which didn't help: the 3D aspect of this movie is zero zilch.
To bad because the car Kato made is rather cool...