Umida Akhmedova is not allowed to show daily life in Uzbekistan.

19:43 mareku 0 Comments

A district court in Uzbekistan’s capital Tashkent yesterday found a prominent photographer and film maker guilty of slandering and insulting the Uzbek people. However, the judge decided to grant Umida Akhmedova amnesty in honour of the 18th anniversary of Uzbek independence, her lawyer said. Akhmedova could have faced up to three years in prison. She was charged for making the documentary “The Burden of Virginity” and publishing a book of photographs – “Woman and Man: From Dawn till Night” – which portrayed daily life in Uzbekistan. Her trial had been criticised by several international rights groups. Amnesty International condemned her conviction “simply for exercising her right to freedom of expression” and called for it to be invalidated.

Speedskating: the dullest spectator sport on earth...

19:09 mareku 0 Comments

Speedskating is (according to Time Magazine) the dullest spectator sport on earth unless you are sitting with the inexplicably rabid Dutch skating fans who treat skating against the clock as if it were the Super Bowl and World Cup final combined. So I wonder how many people will follow it this year at the Olympic Games in Vancouver.

Sorry Guys, but I am 96% Hetero...

19:47 mareku 0 Comments

As calculated at the stockholmpride website based to my facebook friends newtwork....


19:16 mareku 0 Comments

Det här är fredrick federley, Svenska politiker. Han åkt till Gran Canaria och fått betalt för att skriva om det på Hanky. Han hävdar att det inte var han som åkte, utan hans drag-alter ego, Ursula. De gjorde ett reportage om ön inför en dragfestival, och det var ingen semester.
Sveriges tidningen Aftonbladet tänkte annorlunda och skrev en sensationell artikel om det. Även är Sverige det verkar svårt att vara vem du vill vara.... pfft.

Tough Guys

19:08 mareku 0 Comments

The 24th annual Tough Guy Challenge took place last weekend on South Perton Farm, near Wolverhampton, England. It is the safest most dangerous taste of physical and mental endurance pain in the world. If you joined you had to sign this statement: "It's my own bloody fault for being here". More then 5000 people did (600 didn't finish...)

Create your own Batman Comic

14:31 mareku 0 Comments

Well: one pic that is...