Welcome Joe to the winning team

04:03 mareku 0 Comments

More bicycles then people

11:18 mareku 0 Comments

It is official: The Netherlands is the only country in the world where there are more bikes then people...

Who is the real horse?

01:54 mareku 0 Comments

Tallest building

01:17 mareku 0 Comments

Almost 700 meters high: The Burj is almost reached its highest point. Wow: its really tall!


01:15 mareku 0 Comments

Sundays' Best 10 iPhone apps

09:03 mareku 0 Comments

I cannot imagine that I ever lived without my iPhone... It feels great to be connected to the internet 24/7. The apps make it even better. These are my favs:

1. Things
2. Recorder
3. Picoli
4. Exposure
5. Remote
6. Google
7. Twitterific
8. VisuaRadio
9. Send Contact
10. Converter

Next to these apps lots of websites have their own iphone version (Amazon, Vox, NYtimes).