The Roman Catholic didn't hide anything - they made windows out of it...

15:05 mareku 0 Comments

The Roman Church & the pope are really getting in trouble now that they keep on denying that on a large scale abuse was going on (or is it: still going on) in the name of that very same church. How hypocrite can you be? Well I guess with windows like this - we should have know earlier that something was happening...

Hi Sailors!

07:45 mareku 0 Comments

48 hours and counting...

16:35 mareku 0 Comments

Wait, oh yes wait a minute mister postman
Wait, wait mister postman

Mister postman look and see
If there's a iPad in your bag for me
I been waiting such a long time
Since I ordered one in the States through a friend of mine...

No this is no april's fool post: Equallywed is a website for same sex marriages.

09:55 mareku 0 Comments

A brand new website just went public: Equallywed with tips / facts / trends for same sex marriages. Typical American I guess: for some people it is all about business...

what's your gender: neutral?!

17:30 mareku 0 Comments

Norrie May-Welby  became the first person in the world to be classified as genderless after officials in New South Wales, Australia, altered May-Welby's birth certificate to specify the neutral gender. What's next? Gender: None?

It's official: I like masculine guys...

17:28 mareku 0 Comments

The Face research organization wants to know how we look at people and what we appreciate in certain faces more then in others. There are all kinds of (funny) test your can do on their website so try it out!
I myself found out that I like masculine guys more then feminine LOL :-)

Improved ME

17:27 mareku 0 Comments

After I saw some Julian Opies in London a couple of weeks ago, I thought that a little update of my own avatar was due: So here it is. I made 2 versions with a little preference for the top one.

The day I became a certified Apple iPhone Developer

15:04 mareku 0 Comments

I have so many ideas for iPhone / iPad apps that there are not enough people to build them - so I thought: "Why not make them myself?" So I watched a couple of tutorials, actually bought a book (!) and joined the Apple developer community. With the new SDK 3.2 beta I am now in the process of building my very first app.