At the Dutch Motor Exhibition

09:06 mareku 0 Comments

It was fun to see the new motors for 2008 at the Motor Exhibition at Utrecht today. Ingo was looking at his favorite BMW R 1200 GS (adventure) but found it probably to heavy to put somewhere in Amsterdam.
I was enthousiastic about the Moto Guzzi 1200 - a great naked bike. Eddie liked the BMW F 800.

Improving Anton Corbijn...

10:43 mareku 0 Comments

Sweet Bugs

10:04 mareku 0 Comments

BUG labs
makes it fun and easy to build any gadget you can imagine. Build familiar things like digital cameras and GPS locators
or create new devices. It is all done by clicking modules like a cam, GPS, screen etc.

Wife carrying world champion

09:56 mareku 0 Comments

Margo Uusorj and Sandra Kullas of Estonia won the Wife-Carrying World Championships in Sonkajarvi, Finland


09:43 mareku 0 Comments


06:47 mareku 0 Comments

- In De Financiële Telegraaf van zaterdag 26 januari 2008 is een
artikel verschenen over de doorstart van het bedrijf 4iTrust dat zich
bezighoudt met forensisch onderzoek.

        Bij het artikel is
een afbeelding geplaatst die is samengesteld uit verschillende foto’s.
Om eventuele misverstanden te vermijden, wordt hierbij benadrukt dat
het beeldelement op de achtergrond (een lijst met daarin het portret
van zakenvrouw Nina Brink) niet tot het werkelijke interieur van het
4iTrust-kantoor behoort.

Cut-away cars

03:50 mareku 0 Comments

Thanks to Thijs I came across this nice website with some awesome car cut-aways.

Hillary: Real Change?

08:58 mareku 0 Comments

216px-George_H._W._Bush,_President_of_the_United_States,_1989_official_portraitBill_ClintonGeorge-W-BushHillary Clinton
BUSH - CLINTON - BUSH - CLINTON?              OBAMA - change I can believe in!


06:48 mareku 0 Comments

Meet my new trainer: JohnJohn Diem. 22 years old CIOS graduate and starting this morning: my new PT.

A message from Caroline...

02:51 mareku 0 Comments

"I have never had a president who inspired me the way people tell me
that my father inspired them. But for the first time, I believe I have
found in Barrack Obama the man who could be that president — not just for me, but for a
new generation of Americans."

Trying to close 2007

09:21 mareku 0 Comments