The incredible story of the Pattersons...

05:04 mareku 0 Comments

If you were wondering why proposition 8 was amended here why: Some straight people were fooled into believing that when gays can marry, they themselves cannot. That's why the (poor) Pattersons recently made a huge financial sacrifice –
they withdrew $50,000 from their savings and donated it to the Yes on
Proposition 8 campaign.

"It was a decision we made very prayerfully
and carefully," said Pam Patterson, 48. "Was it an easy decision? No.
But it was a clear decision, one that had so much potential to benefit
our children and their children
." Pam wake up! If I look at your boys at least two of them are GAY - maybe even all of them. So let's hope that in 10 years Pam  and Rick are confronted with reality and see that everybody has the basic right to love an other and to marry him or her.

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