Last day in Chicago - we meet Kasia & Will

16:13 mareku 0 Comments

Creative Bike parking

Trying to reach The Loop

It was St Patricks' Day and everyone and everything turned green -even the river...

Wil, Liam and Kasia
Time to go home after a very intense but interesting SXSW week in the US, learning lots of new things, meeting lots of new people and seeing long "lost" friends like Will and Kasia, which turned out to be living in Chicago now and saw that I was in town on FB (thanks FB!) So we had to meet up and it was like we had not missed 10 years - we continued our conversation like never before :-)
late at  night it was time to return home - a swift flight (and a good night sleep) later we arrived in sunny (and a bit cold) Amsterdam.

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