Barefoot running style or not?

11:20 mareku 0 Comments

While I am still making the switch to Barefoot style running,  a new finding at annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in Indianapolis  concluded that it probably doesn't make that much difference if whether you land on your heel or forefoot...  Dr Gruber presented a research that she did which showed that heel-striking was the more physiologically economical running form, by a considerable margin. Heel strikers used less oxygen to run at the same pace as forefoot strikers, and many of the forefoot strikers used less oxygen — meaning they were more economical — when they switched form to land first with their heels.... SO WTF?!
Do I have to return to "classic running"?
Dr. Gruber recommends that runners run the way that is most natural and comfortable for them. So I will stick to that for now...

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