Sunday's Best: Top Ten things Scandinavian
So after three weeks Scandinavia - what did I learn? Here are some observations:
- Food - Except for large cities and Denmark it's either hamburger or pizza (even by the Chinese you can order pizza) The quality is awful. Vegetables deep freeze...
- Prices - Norway is outragious expensive. A 25% tax isn't helping either. Sweden is rather cheap.
- English - everybody speaks very good english
- Emigrants - most are "locked"up somewhere in a distant northern town or village, especially in Sweden this seems to be the case where the Ethiopians walk around in groups of 4.
- Roads - are excellent everywhere
- Nature - overwhelming, Norway is one of the most beautiful countries I know
- Weather - changing a lot big local differences and they are not very well predicted...
- Fashion - People have highly fashion sense (Except for the crocs craze and the ultra skinny jeans.). Lot's of local brands who have international apeal (sports and other) Like Jack Jones, H & M, Cottonfield etc.
- Ikea - everywhere in Sweden, none in Norway
- Attitude - People tend to be friendly but reserved.