Gmail Lockdown

10:27 mareku 1 Comments

My Gmail account got locked down a couple of times in the past week. The reason given provided no clue as to what I might be guilty of. Since I use Gmail more and more as my primary account, getting it locked down is not a nice thing, to say the least... I wrote to the e-mail address given asking for the reasons. As usual I got the standard reply which asked me to write back if anything in a list of no-no’s was applicable to me. :-(
It looks like Gmail will lock your account if it is accessed at the same time from two different places. The problem is that I access Gmail from work and home, and as I reboot the computer at work only once a month at best and at home maybe ones a year, Gmail is always open.
But, the problem I feel is with Gmail itself. It automatically refreshes every two minutes. Users should atleast have the option to switch the two minute page refresh off.
The message that was displayed when the account was locked said upto 24 hours, but it was unlocked within a few minutes.

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