How (not) to drive a taxi in Jordan...

03:21 mareku 0 Comments

After we crossed the heavy security border between Israel en Jordan by foot we took a taxi to Petra - an one and a half drive. The taxi was a Samsung 5 and agreed on a 48 Dinar (about €48) fee. After a minute or so we noticed that the taxi was not heading to Petra but to Aqaba. The driver explained us he had to stop for a moment at his house. Ok we said. After a 5 minute wait, the driver came out with the message that an other car would take us to Petra. In came Azzem with his small Toyota. After crossing Aqaba we stopped again - he had to get a permit to drive us to Petra he said. After a half hour, he came back with a permit and we drove to Petra, at least we expected... we stopped again on the way - he had to deliver the chickens to his wife. After that we stopped several times so he could buy cigarettes and at a mosque so he could say his prayers... :-)
Well: that's Jordan for you. The people are so friendly you simple cannot be angry at them - it their way of life I guess.

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