Sundays' Best: 10 Reasons to be cheerful, part I

23:41 mareku 0 Comments

While the world is in deep recession and everyone a bit gloomy I wondered: are there any reasons left to be cheerful?
After a quick moment I found at least ten..
1. You only get 1 life - so make the most of it
2. If you are in good health and shape - what's left to worry about
3. If you have the love of your live right next besides you
4. If your job is your hobby
5. If you are surrounded by people who care about you
6. If you can travel and meet other cultures
7. If you have everything to live a comfortable life
8. If you even have some unnecessary stuff too
9. If you do crazy things
10. Oh, yeh and always remember: there's no tno thing like a part II

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