The day when my iPhone smashed and was fixed again...

10:24 mareku 0 Comments

I was just about to leave my house and was al dressed up in my motor gear when the bank called: I stumbled to get my iPhone and it fell on the (concrete) garage floor: It was a major disaster - the SCREEN WAS BROKEN! :-(
A couple of hours later I informed at T-Mobile what a repair would cost me. € 530! OOPS!
But then I found PDA Tech in Den Haag - a nice Turkish guy (motorcycle freak just like me) told me to come by and he would fix it for just € 75 - including 3 months of warranty.
It was an amazing experience: right for my own eyes this guy repaired my iPhone in just half an hour. Complete with an original brand new screen. I am as happy as a pig in mud :-))) If ever you have  a problem with your iPhone remember PDA Tech - he will fixe it a couple of hours later (even in a weekend).

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