Ever decreasing circles

17:43 mareku 0 Comments

I really am a fan of Richard Briers. Ever since "The Good Life" his unique humor makes me laugh out loud.  Now with the complete DVD collection of "Ever decreasing circles" from the late 1980's he is doing it again. In it he plays Martin Bryce who lives in a quiet suburban close with his wife Anne (Penelope Wilton). He like organising everyone and runs umpteen different societies. Paul Ryman (Peter Egan) his neighbour, is everything Martin is not – adventurous, laissez-faire, flippant, witty, handsome and charming. Also hilarious are Howard and Hilda (Stanley Lebor and Geraldine Newman), neighbours of Martin's who share some of his obsessiveness while having plenty of quirks of their own (such as always wearing "his and hers" matching outfits)...

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