The Dutch Elections: the end of politics as we know it?

16:07 mareku 0 Comments

Of course I voted in the Dutch Election even when I was on holiday (thx No!) and let's hope that the result will be a Purple Plus government (Liberals / Democrats / Green) and that they don't spend months of trying to arrange everything upfront but just start govern and adjust and learn along the way.
But is the whole idea of having parties with members and coalition governments still a valid one in this century with its lighting fast (internet / twitter) media, continuous polls and complex issues?
Shouldn't we look more towards movements like the democrats / GOP in the USA? That seems to me a more Bottom-up approach then the Top-down of the old parties we have now... It also could mean that we have a more decisive result with a clear mandate to govern. But as long everybody in The Hague keeps on sleeping I am not sure that anything will happen soon - sometimes that is maybe for the best because sometimes it is better that politicians do nothing and let society let sort things our it self...

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