Würzburg - the start of our Romantic Road trip

07:59 mareku 0 Comments

Tiepolo ceiling

Original Röntgen laboratory

Fränkische tapas

Photosynth pano
In Würzburg our trip really starts and wow: there is so much to see... We had to concentrate of the main attractions, like the Residenz, the Cloister and such. Because it is still very early in the vacation season we have the places almost to our selves, which is super! The Tiepolo cieling in the Residez is magnificent (and one of the few things that is still original after the "fire" (as the Germans call it) of March 16th 1945. ) Eddie is a huge fan of the photosynth app on his iphone and everywhere we go he takes a panorama. With excellent results I must admit. On live.com you can see the 3D versions. The food in this part of Germany is great and I never stop to be amazed about the prizes - about 50% of what you would pay in Holland: How do they do that?

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