10:38 mareku 0 Comments

What is the plus of Google+? Why would anybody switch from Facebook to this platform? Google+ is a little bit of twitter, a bit tumblr, digg and a (lot) of Facebook. Even the so hyped "circles" is a variation of the Facebook groups, that nobody uses, though nicely animated. The idea of the introduction of circles, sparks, hangouts and huddle all at once - makes its rather complicated and confusion. The lack of facebook, blogger and comprehensive twitter integration is just plain stupid...
But ok it's another Google Beta project, so who knows what's still to come / improved... But then again we already had Google disasters like Orku, Buzz and Wave. It doesn't help that it is by invitation only - which makes it no real alternative for Facebook yet. I think that the Google invitation strategy is nice when you have an open system like Gmail and such, but not for a walled concept as plus is. There are too few people to interact with.
Also for businesses no Google plus pages - so how can they interact with their fans?
For now I will be very reluctant to add Google plus content and if a lot of people are just as reluctant it will be Google Zero...
PS: Couldn't resist to make a Circle of Jerks :-)

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