Day 2 @SXSW

00:22 mareku 0 Comments

Typical SXSW pose

Lytro camera
We had a start-up competition this morning with companies like:
mystream (direct phone to phone streaming)
livestagemusic (online audience participation during live concerts) (content protection against scraping)
newsIt (mobile crowd reporting platform)
Qukku (fan generated video advertising)
DADapp (3D private sharing)
VoteIt (collaborative online decision making)
RealEyes (interpretation of emotion of human faces)
GivePals (craigslist for student campuses)
Spots (cloud based SAP)
Gonnabe (social media - sharing what you will gonna do)
Storymix (automated video creation)
Recite (translating web content for dyslexic)
GoingAway (P-2-P ride sharing)
Sojolife (a new mynameisE) won - which we agree.
We got to play with the new Lytro camera - which takes "pictures" in such a way that you can re-focus later. That was cool - but it is definitely an early stage product. It looks and feels great but you cannot use it as your only camera still.

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