The morning when we learn even more about Web2.0

16:15 mareku 0 Comments

We saw some interesting demo's from  swivel (data presentation on the Internet), vidoop (a cool new login security concept), tell me ( a not so cool voice to data mobile startup just bought by Microsoft).
After that we listened to a great story of Bill Tancer of Hitwise and David Sifry of Technocrati about Internettraffic and blogs.
Hitwise divides the users in een couple of socio/demographic/lifestyle groups. Three of those are important to predict what the next big thing will be. (Youtube took for instance just SIX WEEKS to be the most dominant video website.
The groups are: Money & brains, Pools & patio, Young Digerati...
According to the most recent numbers the sites to watch out for are: Yelp (user generated yellow pages) Stumble upon (exhange of bookmarks), Weeworld (chat with avatars), Imeem (playlist exchange), Piczo (community website) and Veoh (video exchange).
Interesting stats about participation: only 0,16% of the users of youtube participate in uploading a video. For flickr: 0,2% and wikipedia: 4,6%. A participant is usually older and male.
Although the amount of active blogs in decreasing (21% vs. 36% last year), They are getting more and more important in the top 1000 linked to sites.Tagging really is exploding and now 37% of all bloggers are adding tags. That will create all new possibilities in the future.

By the way: I started to tag with this new VOX blog and am investigating the automatic tagging from tagyu.

The happening of the day was and interview on stage with Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google. He had a really good performance, was witty, smart and confident. According to him Google will find growth potential in mobile and local space. He also is convinced that we are just beginning to grasp and use the possibilities of the Internet abd that scalability is a key thing.

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